Heather Arbuckle
Heather Arbuckle is a wife to Marty, and mother to Jack, Lily, and Sofie, a friend to many, and a daughter of the King. She lives in McKinney, Texas and loves chocolate, movies, and being with her beautiful family. Currently, she is an author for Jebaire Publishing and is anxiously awaiting the release of her first book. You can read more from Heather at www.hearts-for-him.blogspot.com.
Don’t Let Grief Steal Your Christmas
On a cold, Sunday morning, as I was preparing to go to church, I got word from Iowa of a terrible accident. During the night, a young member of our family had been taken from us. It is the kind of turn in life that just doesn’t make sense this side of Heaven. Speaking through tears, a beloved member of my family asked, “How do we celebrate Christmas?” And I confess, in the moment, I didn’t have an answer. For as I sat stunned by the events that had come to pass, I couldn’t find words. Though I wanted to […]
Read More‘Wish You Were Here’: Friend’s Death Stirs Deep Emotions
I had just returned from a visit back home to Iowa. It was the first morning after a long drive back to Texas, and I was pouting. I missed my friends. I missed my family. Every thought seemed to beckon me home like a postcard reading, “Wish you were here.” Still, vacation was over and my responsibilities as a wife and mother now required my attention. So, as I prepared bowls of cereal for my three children, I pouted to myself quietly. In every other way, it was a typical start to an ordinary day. I urged my kids to […]
Read MoreGrandma’s Last Words
“You’ve always been strong-willed.” Grandma’s words stung as my wounded heart wilted for a moment. Searching for understanding, I shared my dismay at her characterization of me, her oldest grandchild, and asked her to explain. “It’s not a bad thing,” she clarified. “Ever since you were a little girl, you knew what you believed. And once your mind is set, it will not be swayed. You are strong. I have never worried that you would lose your way.” It was one of the last conversations I had with my grandmother this side of Heaven. Months later, she lost her battle […]
Read MoreHope Eternal: Miscarriage Doesn’t End Mother-Daughter Bond
We call her Hope. Our baby, lost to us in late January 2003, was with us only briefly. Eight weeks to be exact. Not long enough to take her first breath, but long enough to be a reality in my heart. Long enough for me to imagine holding her in my arms. Long enough to visualize her face and imagine her personality. But, gone before any of those dreams could be realized this side of Heaven. Though we never saw our baby, and science could not determine whether it was a boy or a girl, my husband and I have […]
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